• principalgpnayagarh@gmail.com
  • +91-7008826285

ସରକାରୀ ପଲିଟେକନିକ, ନୟାଗଡ


Approved by A.I.C.T.E ,New Delhi & Affiliated to the SCTE & VT,Odisha

& Under the DTE&T, Odisha & SD&TE Department, Govt. of Odisha

Members of the Board and their brief background

Govt. is pleased to constitue the Governing Body under the Chairmanship of the District Magistrate & Collector, Nayagarh for smooth management of the Institution. The members of the Governing Body are as follows:-

1. Collector & District Magistrate – Chairman

2. District Employment Officer

3. Executive Engineer (R&B)/R.W

4. Executive Engineer PH/RWSS Division

5. Executive Engineer (Electrical Supply Authority)

6. Nominee of AICTE-Regional Officer (Ex-Officio)

7. An Industrialist/Technologists/Educationalist nominated by Regional Committee of AICTE

8. Nominee of the Affiliating Body-SCTE&VT, BBSR or his Representative

9. Nominee of the State Govt-DTE&T or his representative (Ex-officio)

10. An Industrialist/Technologists/Educationalist nominated by State Govt.

11. Principal, Odagaon Aided College - Member.

12. Hon’ble M.P, Kandhamal - Member

13. Hon’ble MLA, Nayagarh – Member

14. Two faculty Mmbers to be nominated by the Principal

15. Principal – Member Secretary

Members of Academic Advisory Body

Not required

Frequently of the Board Meeting and Academic Advisory Body

In every six month the member of the General Body discuss about the development and financial issues.

Organizational chart and processes

Academic Administration
Senior. Lecturer/Workshop Superintendent Establishment Officer
Lecturer Head Clerk
Laboratory Assistant Junior Assistant
Laboratory Attendant Office Attendant/Watchman

Nature and Extent of involvement of Faculty and students in academic affairs/improvements

Faculties take regular classes & Laboratories & Workshop classes & impart quality education in the student. Weekly meetings are carried out with active participation of all the faculties & students under the Chairmanship of the Principal to discuss about various developmental works of the Institution.

  • Mechanism/ Norms and Procedure for democratic/ good Governance
  • Student Feedback on Institutional Governance/ Faculty performance: - Student Feedback is taken on monthly basis to check the performance of the faculties & the improve the quality of education & it is included in the PAR of faculties in each year.
  • Grievance Redressal mechanism for Faculty, staff and students:- Already formed
  • Establishment of Anti Ragging Committee :- (Available in Annexure – 1)
  • Establishment of Online Grievance Redressal Mechanism :- Already formed
  • Establishment of Grievance Redressal Committee in the Institution and Appointment of OMBUDSMAN by the University:- (Available in Annexure – 2)
  • Establishment of Internal Complaint Committee (ICC):- (Available in Annexure – 3)
  • Establishment of Committee for SC/ ST:- (Available in Annexure – 4)
  • Internal Quality Assurance Cell:- (Available in Annexure – 5)

Admission Open for the Year 2024-25